
Showing posts from January 20, 2019

How do I manually mount a linux file system read/write as a normal user?

19 6 This may seem like a stupid question, but with most Linux stuff, it seems to me that a lot of trivial things are not documented. Anyway, I want to simply mount an ext4 file-system onto a normal mount point in Ubuntu (/media/whereever), as read-writable for the current logged-in user, i.e. me. I don't want to add anything into /etc/fstab, I just want to do it now, manually. I need super-user privileges to mount a device, but then only root can read-write that mount. I've tried various of the mount options, added it into fstab, but with no luck. linux permissions mount share | improve this question edited Oct 6 '10 at 19:04