
Showing posts from February 9, 2019

Exército do Ar Francês

Força Aérea Francesa Armée de l'air País  França Corporação Forças Armadas da França Missão Defesa Aérea Criação 1909 Logística Efetivo 43 597 militares (2015) [ 1 ] 627 aeronaves [ 2 ] Insígnias Insígnia 1 Comando Chefe do Estado-Maior General André Lanata

What is “Video Overdrive”?

4 My monitor's on screen menu has some mysterious settings, one being "Video Overdrive". I tried it, but saw no obvious difference. What is it? The monitor is an HP ZR24w. However, the term seems to be used more widely than for one brand. display share | improve this question asked Sep 17 '13 at 23:22 DarenW DarenW 1,099 1 14 27 Have you checked the on