
Showing posts from November 22, 2018

Vadu Pașii

Coordenadas: 45 10 ºN 26 53 ° L Vadu Paşii      Comuna    Região histórica Muntênia Distrito Buzău Área  - Total 83,20 km² População (2007)  - Total 9 472     • Densidade 113,8 hab./km² Sítio Vadu Paşii é uma comuna romena localizada no distrito de Buzău, na região de Muntênia. A comuna possui uma área de 83.20 km² e sua população era de 9472 habitantes segundo o censo de 2007. [ 1 ] Referências ↑ «População em 1 de janeiro de 2009». INSSE   Distrito de Buzău da Romênia Municípios Buzău | Râmnicu Sărat Cidades Nehoiu | Pătârlagele | Pogoanele Comunas Amaru | Bălăceanu | Balta Albă | Beceni | Berca | Bisoca | Blăjani | Boldu | Bozioru | Brădeanu | Brăeşti | Breaza | Buda | C. A. Rosetti | Calvini | Căneşti | Cătina | Cernăteşti | Chiliile | Chiojdu | Cilibia | Cislău | Cochirleanca | Colţi | Costeşti | Coz

google chrome having issue on ubunto 16.04

up vote 0 down vote favorite i am unable to open chrome. when i am using this command google-chrome-stable --no-sandbox chrome started but its not working perfectly. its given unable to open browser or auto refresh the page to can't connect the site error. also given a notification alert on Chrome by security or unstable command line something like. please help me how to solve this. google-chrome share | improve this question asked Nov 19 at 19:14 PVR 1 New contributor PVR is a new contr

Why are Star Wars fighter ships crewed with humans and biological sapients instead of droids?

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty{ margin-bottom:0; } up vote 6 down vote favorite 2 Why do the Galactic Empire, the Galactic Republic, and the Rebellion all use biological sapients in their one or two-man fighter ships? The x-wing, the tie fighters, the bombers, and just about every other small ship had a biological person in it. A special-made droid or even a fully automated AI fighter craft would be better than one piloted by a bio-sapient. No need for life support inside the cockpit. No need for a cockpit for that matter. No need for specially trained pilot crews. Just download the latest software into the droid or AI and the ship is ready to fight. No need for lag time to present information to pilot, wait for pilot to choose options, and then make evasive ma