
Showing posts from January 25, 2019

What's stopping my CPU from scaling down? [closed]

1 My CPU scales from 800MHz to 4.8GHz, obviously in a vastly different power envelope. I have an applet that tells me what speed it's running at on my panel and today I've noticed that it's running pretty close to the top end all the time. Even when it's essentially idle. $ uptime 22:05:34 up 1 day, 5:37, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 I'm running on the "powersave" governor (intel_pstate driver). So —short of closing random processes until it tweaks down— how do I go about finding what's stopping my CPU from underclocking? Some follow up from the comments. It's important to note that this system has scaled down in recent history, while on 18.04 (which is what I'm still using). There haven't been any major upgrades, save whatever Nvidia do t

What is “Above 4G decoding”?

4 I've been dealing with a problem where if I don't enable "Above 4G decoding" in the BIOS settings, my server system won't boot up with a certain number of storage devices. Google results give this: "The definition of “Above 4G decoding” is to allow the user to enable or disable memory mapped I/O for a 64-bit PCIe device to 4GB or greater address space, because the primary VGA card should always be mapped below 4GB address." ( But what does this mean, for someone who doesn't know much about computers? memory bios share | improve this question asked Aug 9 '17 at 16:55