
Showing posts from November 20, 2018

Using Voicemeeter to stream game audio through Skype

up vote 0 down vote favorite I'm looking to share a game with friends over Skype. Skype provides the voice chat and screen share functionalities natively, but has no way to capture game sound. After some digging, I found this question on superuser, which suggested Voicemeeter. Voicemeeter actually works great for this purpose, with two real exceptions. First, if I want to use it, I have to go into my Windows sound settings to make Voicemeeter my default recording and playback devices, then do the same in Skype. When I'm done, I have to close the program and set everything back. This is a minor hassle, and the old question suggests that "you can close it to return to normal without having to restart if you configure it correctly." I can't find whatever configuration option that is, so I'm hoping someone mo...

Retrieve message history from Viber PC version

up vote 0 down vote favorite I was using Viber in both PC (window 7) and Mobile phone. application on my phone and pc has been reinstalled. i cannot retrieve the message history on the viber application for pc. Good thing i have backup copy of the viber messages in my pc viber.db ... I need to retrieve message history for future needs (date , time, mobile no, messages). Hope some one can help. really desperate What I have tried so far: select timestamp, chattoken, body from eventinfo order by number But the timestamp is in int not on date format window history viber share | improve this question asked Mar 17 '16 at 12:57 simp...