
Showing posts from February 20, 2019

Categoria:Atrações turísticas do Arizona

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How to make wctrl manipulate multiple xfce4-panel windows?

0 I have two xfce4-panel windows running and am using wmctrl -x -a xfce4-panel -b add,below to make them both hide under windows, but only the panel 0 actually goes below windows. The second panel, panel 1, only hides below windows if I manually tell it to using wmctrl -a :SELECT: -b add,below . So, how do I make both panels hide below windows? Using xfce4-panel built-in hide features is out of question. xubuntu xfce wmctrl share | improve this question asked Jan 30 at 4:35 Johtev Johtev 1 1 ...

Conde de Vialonga

Conde de Vialonga Criação D. Carlos I 21 de Abril de 1903 1.º Titular João de Benjamim Pinto Linhagem Pinto, de Oleiros Actual Titular Gastão de Benjamim Pinto ...

how to find out the apache version installed in ubuntu?

41 4 how to find out the Apache server version installed in Ubuntu 14.04? 14.04 apache2 share | improve this question asked Mar 9 '15 at 15:55 Sumanshu Singh Sumanshu Singh 206 1 3 3 add a comment  |  41 4 how to find out the Apache server version inst...