Alec M. Pridgeon

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

Alec M. Pridgeon é um botânico inglês.

É membro da Sainsbury Orchid do Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, formado em Biologia.

Alguns artigos publicados |

  • Phylogenetic relationships in Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae): combined evidence from nuclear and plastid DNA sequences (2001)

  • A phylogenetic reclassification of Pleurothallidinae (2001)

  • Nomenclatural Notes on Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae) (com Mark W. Chase) Lindleyana 17(2):98- (2002)

Livros editados |

  • Orchid hunting in the lost world: (and elsewhere in Venezuela) - G.C.K. Dunsterville and E. Dunsterville, Alec M. Pridgeon (Editor) (1988) ISBN 0923096000

  • The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Orchids: Alec M. Pridgeon (1992) ISBN 9780715317822

  • Orchids : Status, Survey, and Conservation Action Plan - Eric Hagsater, Vinciane Dumont (Editor), Alec M. Pridgeon (Editor)(1996) ISBN 9782831703251

  • Orchid Biology : Reviews and Perspectives - Joseph Arditti (editor) Alec M. Pridgeon (Editor) (1997) ISBN 9780792345169

  • Genera Orchidacearum : General Introduction, Apostasioideae, Cypripedioideae - Alec M. Pridgeon (Editor), Mark W. Chase (Editor), Phillip J. Cribb (Editor), Finn N. Rasmussen (Editor) (1999) ISBN 9780198505136

  • Genera Orchidacearum : Orchidoideae (Part 1) - Alec M. Pridgeon (Editor), Mark W. Chase (Editor), Phillip J. Cribb (Editor), Finn N. Rasmussen (Editor) (2001) ISBN 9780198507109

  • Genera Orchidacearum: Orchidoideae (Part 2), Vanilloideae - Alec M Pridgeon (Editor), Phillip J Cribb (Editor), Mark W Chase (Editor) (2003) ISBN 9780198507116

  • Genera Orchidacearum : Epidendroideae (Part 1) - Alec M. Pridgeon (Editor), Mark W. Chase (Editor), Phillip J. Cribb (Editor), Finn N. Rasmussen (Editor) (2006) ISBN 9780198507123

  • Genera Orchidacearum: Epidendroideae (Part 2) - Alec M. Pridgeon (Editor), Phillip Cribb (Editor), Mark W. Chase (Editor), Finn N. Rasmussen (Editor) (2009) ISBN 9780198507130

Ligações externas |

Abreviatura oficial e lista de nomes de plantas e fungos atribuídos a Alec M. Pridgeon no The International Plant Names Index (IPNI) (em inglês).

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